Card Types
There are currently three types of cards you'll find in the game: Player, Lineup, and Field.
- Player
- These cards are played on a single player in your lineup. They only modify that player's points. These cards list the positions they may be played on. For example, the Speed Demon card may only be played on a running back (RB), wide receiver (WR), or tight end (TE).
- Lineup
- These cards are played on your entire lineup and affect one or more players. For example, the Home Field Advantage card benefits all players in your whole lineup who are playing at home while penalizing all players who are playing on the road.
- Field
- Like lineup cards, field cards impact players across your entire lineup. However, they have no cost, cannot be selected by a user, and cannot be removed. Field cards are applied to lineups based on a tournament's rules. They can be found in Campaign mode where they are applied to certain champions to increase their difficulty. Outside of Campaign mode you'll typically find field cards in special tournaments. An example might be a weekly tournament where the Mud Bowl field card is automatically applied to every lineup entered into that tournament.

Choosing Cards
For each lineup you build, you can choose from the full selection of cards available for that tournament. Cards may be locked or otherwise unavailable for selection for various reasons. We'll discuss these reasons below.
- Card Budget
- When you create a new lineup, you'll be given a card budget. Just like your players, these cards are "purchased" from the funds you are given. Typically, the more powerful a card is, the more it will cost. We often revisit the cost of cards to ensure the game is evenly balanced, so just like your players, the card cost could change week over week.
- Card Limits
- You may only play each card once per lineup. There are no limits to the total number of cards that may be played - as long as you are within your budget. However, each player can only have at most, 4 cards played on them.
- Availablity of Cards
- You may make modifications to your lineup's players and cards at any time if they are not already in play, or as we say "locked". Cards may not be played on, or removed from, a player once that player's game has started. This rule also applies to lineup cards when any player affected by that card's effects has started their game. However, if a lineup card is locked to your lineup due to any one of your player's game starting, you may still add additional players who will also be affected by that lineup card's effects.

Card Scoring
Cards are always scored independently of one another and do not stack. That means playing multiple cards on the same player does not multiply their effects - each card is scored separately based on the player's original stats. While most cards will show a projected value based on the player's projected stats for a game, some cards - especially those based on events, might not have projections. In that case we show 0.0. Card descriptions show bonuses in green and penalties in red and some cards can produce negative values!
The formula for calculating a card's points is as follows:
player with card - player without card = card's points
player with card - player without card --------------------- card's points
The card description describes the end result (independent of other cards), but the value shown in the UI is the value of the card itself. For example, imagine you play the All Pro WR card, which reads: "Your wide receiver gets a 2x multiplier to their score.". You play this card on Mike Evans. Evans achieves 27.9 fantasy points in the game. A 2x multiplier would produce 55.8 fantasy points, but the card's value is 27.9 points because Evans' 27.9 points are already included in your lineup's total score. So your lineup without the card, assuming no other players or cards, would be 27.9 points, and with the card would be 55.8 points. This value can be produced from the formula above:
(27.9 × 2) - 27.9 = 27.9
(27.9 × 2) - 27.9 ---------- 27.9

- Events
- Some cards simply give raw points based on events. For example, the Hail Mary card gives you 30 points if your quarterback (QB) completes a 50+ yard pass.
- Value Changes
- Some cards change the value of a stat in the standard player scoring. An example is the Goldfish Memory card which changes the value of turnovers for a QB. Normally, a turnover is counted as -2pts. This card changes that value from -2 to +8. Effectively making every turnover a 10 point play. In this case the card will show 10 points instead of 8 for each turnover because the cards do not include the player's points which already includes the -2 penalty.
Imagine you play this card on Patrick Mahomes. Let's say he had a terrible game and threw for 100 yards with 0 touchdowns and 2 interceptions. His baseline score would be:
100yds × 0.04pts/yard + 2 int × (-2pts/interception) = 0pts
(100yds × 0.04) - (2 int × -2) --------------- 0.0
Goldfish Memory changes that -2 to (+8) so his score with the card would be:100yds × 0.04pts/yard + 2 int × (8pts/interception) = 20pts
(100yds × 0.04) + (2 int × 8) --------------- 20.0
Using the formula we laid out, the value of the card in this case would be:20pts - 0pts = 20pts
20.0 - 0.0 ----------- 20.0
- Multipliers
Many cards offer a percentage increase and/or decrease to the player's total fantasy points or one or more stats. We've already seen an example above in All Pro WR. Let's do another one with
The Human Vulture
which doubles all TD points and halves all yardage points.
Imagine you play this card on Derrick Henry who ends up rushing for 100 yards with 2 touchdowns. His baseline score is:
100yds × 0.1pts/yard + 2tds × 6pts/touchdown = 22pts
(100yds × 0.1) + (2tds × 6) -------------- 22.0
Since The Human Vulture doubles the value of TDs, instead of 6pts for a touchdown - it is now 12pts. It also halves (0.5x) the value of yards so instead of 0.1pts/yard, it is now 0.05pts/yard. Thus Derrick Henry with The Human Vulture would score:100yds × 0.05pts/yard + 2tds × 12pts/touchdown = 29pts
(100yds × 0.05) + (2tds × 12) --------------- 29.0
So using the formula we defined for card value we end up with:29pts - 22pts = 7pts